b'NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS >for the year ended 30 June 2019NOTE 3. OPERATING SEGMENTSCONTINUED CONSOLIDATED2019 2018$ $ Revenue and other incomeTotal reportable segment revenues 86,184,22892,512,139 Other segment revenues (479,918) 1,116,880 Total revenue and other income 85,704,310 93,629,019 MAJOR CUSTOMERSThere was no single external customer that contributed 10% or more of the consolidated entitys revenue during the currentand previous financial years.NOTE 4. REVENUE CONSOLIDATED2019 2018$ $ FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONSSales revenueCasino: Gaming revenue 67,868,793 74,514,551Non-gaming revenue 18,315,379 17,997,389 Corporate operations 56 199 Interest79,35294,002 Revenue from continuing operations86,263,58092,606,141 Gaming revenue represents net house takings arising from casino operations. Non-gaming revenue represents house revenue from room rental, food and beverage sales and other related services recognised when the services are rendered.54 DONACO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2019 ANNUAL REPORT'