for the year ended 30 June 2019NOTE 31. COMMITMENTSCONTINUED CONSOLIDATED20192018 $$Lease commitmentsoperating (as lessor)Committed at the reporting date but not recognised as liabilities, payable: Within one year2,191,608 One to five years3,887,003 6,078,611The consolidated entity leases out its premises in the DNA Star Vegas casino under non-cancellable operating leases. The leases have remaining lease periods of between one to two years as at 30 June 2019.NOTE 32. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSPARENT ENTITY KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNELDonaco International Limited is the legal parent entity.Disclosures relating to key management personnel are set Donaco International Limited is listed on the Australianout in Note 29 and the remuneration report included in the Securities Exchange (ASX: DNA). directors report.SUBSIDIARIES TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIESInterests in subsidiaries are set out in Note 34. The following transactions occurred with related parties during 2019. CONSOLIDATED20192018 $$Leasing fees paid to Lee Hoe Property Co., Ltda director-related entity 77,382 Rental received from director's immediate family58,332 Rental received from Arte Mobile Technology Pte Ltd (subsidiary of Isentric Limited)13,974 Technical support fees paid by Lao Cai JVC to iSentric Limiteda director related entity139,243 Management fees received for Star Paradise Casino property from MMD Travel Co., Ltd a director-related entity477,992 Disposal of property, plant and equipment to previous owner of DNA Star Vegas Co., Ltd a director-related entity141,351 The above transactions occurred at commercial rates.TERMS AND CONDITIONSThere were no other payables or receivables from relatedAll transactions were made on normal commercial termsparties at the current or previous reporting date. and conditions and at market rates.LOANS TO/FROM RELATED PARTIESThere were no loans to or from related parties at the current and previous reporting date.76 DONACO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2019 ANNUAL REPORT""/> for the year ended 30 June 2019NOTE 31. COMMITMENTSCONTINUED CONSOLIDATED20192018 $$Lease commitmentsoperating (as lessor)Committed at the reporting date but not recognised as liabilities, payable: Within one year2,191,608 One to five years3,887,003 6,078,611The consolidated entity leases out its premises in the DNA Star Vegas casino under non-cancellable operating leases. The leases have remaining lease periods of between one to two years as at 30 June 2019.NOTE 32. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONSPARENT ENTITY KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNELDonaco International Limited is the legal parent entity.Disclosures relating to key management personnel are set Donaco International Limited is listed on the Australianout in Note 29 and the remuneration report included in the Securities Exchange (ASX: DNA). directors report.SUBSIDIARIES TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIESInterests in subsidiaries are set out in Note 34. The following transactions occurred with related parties during 2019. CONSOLIDATED20192018 $$Leasing fees paid to Lee Hoe Property Co., Ltda director-related entity 77,382 Rental received from director's immediate family58,332 Rental received from Arte Mobile Technology Pte Ltd (subsidiary of Isentric Limited)13,974 Technical support fees paid by Lao Cai JVC to iSentric Limiteda director related entity139,243 Management fees received for Star Paradise Casino property from MMD Travel Co., Ltd a director-related entity477,992 Disposal of property, plant and equipment to previous owner of DNA Star Vegas Co., Ltd a director-related entity141,351 The above transactions occurred at commercial rates.TERMS AND CONDITIONSThere were no other payables or receivables from relatedAll transactions were made on normal commercial termsparties at the current or previous reporting date. and conditions and at market rates.LOANS TO/FROM RELATED PARTIESThere were no loans to or from related parties at the current and previous reporting date.76 DONACO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2019 ANNUAL REPORT"" />